I am trying to extract JSON document subtree that's indexed by numerical key.
My JSON string:
"pk": 20,
"tree": {
"100": {
"values": [
1, 2, 3
"abc" => 999
My code:
$session = mysql_xdevapi\getSession("mysqlx://root:letmein@localhost");
$schema = $session->getSchema('test');
$coll = $schema->getCollection('myColl');
$expr = mysql_xdevapi\Expression('$.tree.*');
$result = $coll->find('$.pk=20')->fields(['$.tree[100]'])->execute();
Using '$.tree[100]'
results in
'tree' => null
Using '$.tree.*'
results in
'tree' => [
0 => [
1, 2, 3
1 => 999
Using '$.tree.abc'
results in
'tree' => [
'abc' => 999
So, '$.tree.abc'
works, but '$.tree[100]'
Question. How can I access values
key using '$.tree[100]' expression?
Thnx for report, following case:
$expr = mysql_xdevapi\Expression('$.tree."100"'); $result = $coll->find('$.pk=25')->fields($expr)->execute();
will be supported in mysql_xdevapi v8.0.18 which is planned for Oct 14.