I have a query in mysql
and want to do the same in PostgreSql
Here's the query:
-- mysql
SELECT cat.id, cat.category,
GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('{"rate":"',mod.rate,'", "model_name":"', mod.modelName, '", "capacity":"',mod.capacity,'"}')), ']') vehicles
FROM categories cat
LEFT JOIN models mod
ON cat.id = mod.category_id
GROUP BY cat.id
This will get the output as:
id | category | vehicles
1 | 2-wheeler | [ { "rate": "400", "model_name": "Pulsar 12", ... }, {...} ]
2 | 4-wheeler | [ { "rate": "800", "model_name": "Honda 12", ... }, {...} ]
I am trying to get the same with PostgreSql
here's where I am stuck:
-- postgres
SELECT cat.id, cat.category,
array_to_string(CONCAT('{"rate":"',mod.rate,'", "model_name":"', mod.modelName, '", "capacity":"',mod.capacity,'"}')), ']') vehicles
FROM categories cat
LEFT JOIN models mod
ON cat.id = mod.category_id
GROUP BY cat.id
I don't know how to move forward with this.
Also, the tables:
id | modelName | rate | category_id
1 | Pulsar - 12 | 400 | 1
2 | Honda | 800 | 2
id | category
1 | 2-wheeler
2 | 4-wheeler
You will have to use JSON_BUILD_OBJECT
to build the individual JSON objects and then JSON_AGG
to build an array of those objects:
SELECT cat.id, cat.category,
(SELECT json_agg(
'model_name', mod.modelName,
)) AS vehicles
FROM models AS mod WHERE category_id = cat.id
) AS models
FROM categories AS cat