I'm new to reverse engineering on Apple Devices and i have developed a very very simple crack me for learning purposes! everything works fine, but when i open my binary file in IDA and change the condition instruction, and apply the patch, my app starts to failing on launch!
there are 2 ways i can crack the code, first by changing the condition statement from JNZ to JZ, and the other way NOP the JMP function below the JNZ instruction.
__text:0000000100001387 mov rdi, [rbp+var_68]
__text:000000010000138B call _objc_release
__text:0000000100001390 mov al, [rbp+var_81]
__text:0000000100001396 test al, 1
__text:0000000100001398 jnz short loc_10000139F// Goes for Correct condition
__text:000000010000139A jmp loc_100001475 //goes for incorrect condition
in C and other languages which i have experience in reverse engineering, these solutions would work.does any one have any clue what is going here?
here is my crack me code in swift!
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
@IBAction func btn(_ sender: Any) {
if(input.stringValue == "!@#><1234")
let box = NSAlert()
box.alertStyle = .informational
box.messageText = "Cool!"
let box = NSAlert()
box.alertStyle = .critical
box.messageText = "Not Cool!"
@IBOutlet weak var input: NSTextField!
override func viewDidLoad() {
override var representedObject: Any? {
didSet {
it was a code signing problem within its binary. i think when we apply a patch and change the binary, OS doesn't allow the app to be executed. so i just resigned my app and now it is cracked and working.
it was a code signing problem within its binary. i think when we apply a patch and change the binary, OS doesn't allow the app to be executed. so i just resigned my app and now it is cracked and working.