In Forth, it's possible to use the separate floating point stack for division and multiplication. A typical example to calculate 3/4 is:
3.e 4.e f/ f.
0.75 ok
which is 0.75. But what will happen, if the calculation is done within a word, which is using local variables?
: calc { a b }
a b f/ f.
3.e 4.e calc
:2: Stack underflow
3.e 4.e >>>calc<<<
$7FDF1C7C1220 >l
It seems, that Forth has expected a value at the integer stack which is empty, because before the function call, the variables were put to the floating stack. The question is how to modify the calc-word in a way, that the local variables are taken from the float stack?
You can specify that the variables be floating point by using the F:
type specifier.
: calc { F: a F: b }
a b f/ f.
3.e 4.e calc \ => 0.75 ok
For details, see section 5.21.1 in the gforth manual.