Assume I have two classes like Mp3Player
, and DVDPlayer
and I am going to create a new class MultiPlayer
which inherits from both former classes.
and DVDPlayer
both have a method with same signature:
class MP3Player:
def play(self, content):
print(f'MP3 player is playing {content}')
class DVDPlayer:
def play(self, content):
print(f'DVD player is playing {content}')
I want to override the play
method in MultiPlayer
and I want to be able to call the appropriate super class, based on some conditions.
class MultiPlayer(MP3Player, DVDPlayer):
def play(self, content):
if mp3_condition:
# some how call the play method in MP3Player
elif dvd_condition:
# some how call the play method in DVDPlayer
print('the given content is not supported')
I cannot use super().play(content)
as based on MRO rules it always resolves to play
method in MP3Player
What is the pythonic way of doing such thing?
When you use inheritance, you're saying that the subclass is a type of the parent class, just a more specialized one. This is called an is-a relationship.
One common example uses animals to illustrate this. Imagine you have three classes: Animal, Cat, and Lion. A lion is a cat, and a cat is an animal, so it makes sense to use inheritance in this context.
However your situation is different. You have a MultiPlayer class, and by using inheritance, you're saying that it is an MP3 player, and it also is a DVD player.
This can work, however it's more natural in this case to use composition instead of inheritance. Composition is a has-a relationship instead of is-a, meaning that your MultiPlayer class has an MP3 player inside of it, and it also has a DVD player inside of it, but it is not fundamentally either of those things.