In the Android camera2 API, does the StreamConfigurationMap.getOutputSizes (Class klass) method return always sizes that follow a format where width is > than height? Or do we need to test somehow if in some devices the height can be larger than the width?
I understand that some sizes may be in a 1:1 ratio, so width == height, but besides this specific case, do the returned sizes depend on the hardware? or will they always follow a width > height format?
I have never seen devices where height > width, but there is no formal requirement that controls this. Worse, not all formal requirements are always fulfilled on all thousands of device models across the globe.
Actually, some devices do produce pictures (Jpeg) with height > width, if the app requests the picture rotated by 90°. Other devices may resolve such rotation by setting a flag in EXIF header only. Both behaviours are legitimate by Android standards.