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AutoGenerateField not working in wpf datagrid

I am binding my datagrid to an observableCollection of Class CustomerDetails, I want to hide one of the property from being displayed on the UI as column, for which i am using AutoGenerateField to false, still this column is getting displayed in UI, what am i missing ?

my xaml file is like below :

<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="True" ItemsSource="{Binding DataGridItems}" 
                      Margin="1" IsReadOnly="True" SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedItem }"


 public ObservableCollection<CustomerDetails> DataGridItems => _model.CustomerDetailsList;


 public ObservableCollection<CustomerDetails> CustomerDetailsList { get; set; }

public MyModel()
            CustomerDetailsList = new ObservableCollection<CustomerDetails>();    // assume that my list of customers is initialized here      

 public class CustomerDetails 

        #region Constructor

        public CustomerDetails()



        #region Public Members        

        public string CustomerName
           get; set;

        public string CustomerID

        public string ProductCode
// want to hide this from getting shown in Datagrid
        [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)]
        public string ProductInternalId { get; set; }


  • Likely you are running into the same underlying problem as:

    You should handle the AutoGeneratingColumn event to cancel the generation of the column (you can base your logic on the field attributes to still make use of [Display(AutoGenerateField=false)]):

    Alternatively you could turn off AutoGenerateColumns and add the ones you want to the datagrid columns template manually.