I'm trying modules in Go. I'm outside the GOPATH
and using version 1.12.6
I created a new project and initialized it as a module inside: /home/x80486/Workshop/Development/gauge-basics
. I then created a file example_spec.go
with this content:
package stepImpl
import (
var _ = gauge.Step("Run me before any other", func() {})
...and I ran go test
[x80486@uplink gauge-basics]$ go test
go: finding github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go/gauge latest
go: finding github.com/getgauge/common latest
go: finding github.com/golang/protobuf/proto latest
go: finding github.com/dmotylev/goproperties latest
? github.com/x80486/gauge-basics [no test files]
Everything is somehow OK, but as soon as I move this file into a folder named stepImpl
, nothing works:
[x80486@uplink gauge-basics]$ go build
can't load package: package github.com/x80486/gauge-basics: unknown import path "github.com/x80486/gauge-basics": cannot find module providing package github.com/x80486/gauge-basics
I can't understand why moving a file to a folder with the package name would break the project.
This is the generated go.mod
module github.com/x80486/gauge-basics
go 1.12
require (
github.com/dmotylev/goproperties v0.0.0-20140630191356-7cbffbaada47 // indirect
github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go v0.1.3 // indirect
github.com/getgauge/common v0.0.0-20190514095629-619e107433ce // indirect
github.com/golang/protobuf v1.3.2 // indirect
There are no .go files under github.com/x80486/gauge-basics, because you moved them under a different directory. You can run go build under the directory containing the source files or add another .go in the gauge-basics directory importing them.