I am trying to add a text (as watermark) to images. I am using Image/Intervention package. The text shows but I want it to be at top right hand corner of the image and I also want the size increased. The text is currently at top-left corner and the size is extremely small.
This is my code
if($request->hasFile('file')) {
foreach ($request->file('file') as $photo) {
$file = $photo;
$img = Image::make($file);
$img->text('12345 ', 120, 100, function($font) {
How do I solve this?
From the documentation:
Font sizing is only available if a font file is set and will be ignored otherwise. Default: 12
So you have to specify a custom font just like in the below example:
$img->text('foo', 0, 0, function($font) {
The text alignment is relative to the size of the textbox, but the positioning is given by the x and y coordinates (2nd and 3rd parameters of the text method). To put the text on the right top corner you can do:
$img->text('foo', $img->width(), 100, function($font) {