I am trying to select date field from PostgreSQL database using libpqxx and C++.
I would use this code, but I don't know if it is legal. I have searched in the documentation but I haven't any documented way.
using time_point = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point;
pqxx::work txn(c);
auto&& rst = txn.exec("SELECT date FROM table");
for(auto&& row : rst)
time_point date = row[0].as<time_point>();
Is this okey please? Do you know any better alternative?
I would like the same with date time and time field. Is there any difference please?
Thank you.
the documentation for field
type: https://libpqxx.readthedocs.io/en/6.4/a01063.html#a3a55f6b44040b68e70382d9db7dea457
The answer on Github by JadeMatrix:
will work with any type for which a specialization of pqxx::string_traits<>
exists. libpqxx comes with support for std::string
, builtin numerics (int, etc.), and maybe a few others I don't remember.
Support for std::chrono::
types are missing by default, unfortunately. You can implement your own, but be warned that they will only work for TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE
. To correctly support … WITH TIME ZONE
you will need Howard Hinnant's date library, which is what I use (there is talk of adding it to the standard library).
If you want, I can share my code, which relies on date functionality for parsing Postgres date/time strings (ISO 8601 format).