We have requests collection :
"_id" : ObjectId("xxxxxx"),
"requestId" : "REQ4",
"scrips" : "[3553, 5647]"
"_id" : ObjectId("xxxxxx"),
"requestId" : "REQ1",
"scrips" : "[0001]"
and Scrips collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("xxxx"),
"scrip" : "0001"
"_id" : ObjectId("xxxx"),
"scrip" : "0456"
We need to get a list of all requests in requests collection - who have scrips as a complete subset of the scrip collections.
Expected output : ['REQ1']
How do we achieve this in the most efficient way?
We are using java mongo driver 3.7
First of all, try saving scrips in request collection as an array of string instead of a string of array-like ["3553"] making it:
"_id" : ObjectId("xxxxxx"),
"requestId" : "REQ4",
"scrips" : ["3553", "5647"]
After that, you can use below to maintain an array of all scrips from scrip collection:
let allScrips=await scrips.aggregate([
After that use $setIsSubset in the aggregate pipeline to compare above allScrips[0].scrips array with request collection's scrips only if allScrips.length comes
let requestsWithScrips=await requests.aggregate([
{ $project: {requestId:1,isSubset: { $setIsSubset: [ "$scrips",allScrips[0].scrips] }}},
{ $match:{isSubset:true}}