I'm trying to come up with some compile-time ways to check if a certain variable is signed or unsigned. Actually, I was using the following macro for quite some time to check for a signed variable:
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define CHECK_SIGNED(v) if((v) == -(v)){}
#define CHECK_SIGNED(v)
and then the following will pass it:
INT rr = 0;
while the following:
UINT rr = 0;
will generate a compile-time error:
error C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
So now I am trying to come up with a similar check for unsigned
variable. Any suggestions?
PS. Although I'm using VS 2017
it'd be nice to make it backwards compatible with older C++ standards.
Could use something like this :
static_assert(std::is_signed<decltype(rr)>::value, "Not signed number");
and the sister version std::is_unsigned
Also, those are not very difficult to implement on your own for supporting old compilers.