Main aim is made the subroutine more unify, and have possibility in SET assignments select the field of struct based on value of Variable. If I replace current fixed() on commented row with fixed(), I receive error CS0212.
Why it can't work - It's a "current limitation of C#4.0" or it can't work in principle?
enum ConnectSide {Left,Right}
unsafe private void ConnectSubtreeToNewNode(int iNumNodeHeadSubtree, int iNumNewNode, ConnectSide Side)
//fixed (int* prtNode = (Side == ConnectSide.Left) ? &Tree[iNumNewNode].iLeftElement : &Tree[iNumNewNode].iRightElement )
fixed (int* prtNode = &Tree[iNumNewNode].iLeftElement)
if (iNumNodeHeadSubtree != iNodeOFF)
*prtNode = iNumNodeHeadSubtree;
Tree[iNumNodeHeadSubtree].iParentElement = iNumNewNode;
*prtNode = iNodeOFF;
private Node[] Tree;
//Main struct for BST
public struct Node
public int Key;
public int iLeftElement;
public int iRightElement;
public int iParentElement;
public int iHeight;
public int iBalance;
As noted here the operator &
can only be used to take the address of an unfixed variable directly inside a fixed statement initializer. By trying to use &
inside the ternary operator you break that premise about the usage of &
You can do something like this though:
// first fix the variable that you want to make a change later on (Tree[iNumNewNode]).
fixed (var lpTree = &Tree[iNumNewNode])
// here you can create the pointer you wanted using the ternary operator.
int* ptrNode = (Side == ConnectSide.Left) ? &lpTree->iLeftElement : &lpTree->iRightElement;
if (iNumNodeHeadSubtree != iNodeOFF)
*prtNode = iNumNodeHeadSubtree;
Tree[iNumNodeHeadSubtree].iParentElement = iNumNewNode;
*prtNode = iNodeOFF;