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How to create Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited<T> structure with Powershell?

I'm developing a powershell script to modify some Microsoft Exchange mailboxes. I want to add a parameter to my function with data type "ByteQuantifiedSize" as it is used for mailbox quotas.

A simple example:

function generateSubscriptionInformation
write-host $StandardQuota
generateSubscriptionInformation -StandardQuota 12345 #works
generateSubscriptionInformation -StandardQuota unlimited #doesn't work

How can I set a unlimited value via parameter? Look also at .

I cannot create a unlimited value or variable like

1. new-object "Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited`1[[Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize, Microsoft.Exchange .Data,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]"

  1. New-Object 'Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited[ByteQuantifiedSize]'

Who can help?


  • Try this:

    $typeParam    = [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize]
    $concreteType = [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited`1].MakeGenericType(@($typeParam))
    $unlimitedBQS = [System.Activator]::CreateInstance($concreteType)