I want to assert several properties of an object with a single assert call.
With JUnit 4 and Hamcrest I would have written something like this:
assertThat(product, allOf(
hasProperty("name", is("Coat")),
hasProperty("available", is(true)),
hasProperty("amount", is(12)),
hasProperty("price", is(new BigDecimal("88.0")))
Q: How to assert several properties in a single assert call using JUnit 5 and AssertJ? Or, alternatively, what is the best way of doing that in JUnit 5 universe.
Note: I can of course create an object with all needed properties and perform
assertThat(actualProduct, is(expectedProduct))
but that is not the point.
With AssertJ, another option would be to use returns
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.from;
.returns("Coat", from(Product::getName))
.returns(true, from(Product::getAvailable))
// or without 'from()'
.returns(12, Product::getAmount)
.returns(new BigDecimal("88.0"), Product::getPrice);
A bit more verbose but I find it easier to read compared to extracting
Note that from
is just an optional syntax sugar to improve readability.
Since 3.22.0, doesNotReturn
is also available. This can be useful for non-null fields where the expected value is not known in advance.
.returns("Coat", from(Product::getName))
.returns(true, from(Product::getAvailable))
.doesNotReturn(42, from(Product::getAmount))
.doesNotReturn(null, from(Product::getPrice));