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What is the correct way of implementing this custom priority_queue

I want to build a priority queue of an object having three elements having my own comparator. I tried the following code but is showing error .

using namespace std;

class triplet {
        int data;
        int arr;
        int index;       

bool compare( triplet x, triplet y ){

    if( <{
        return true;
        return false;

int main(){

 priority_queue<triplet,vector<triplet>,compare> pq1;


getting the following error enter image description here


  • Comparison routines must return false if the two elements are equal, but your version returns true.

    Try this instead

    bool compare(triplet x, triplet y) {
        if ( < {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    or to make it a little simpler like this

    bool compare(triplet x, triplet y) {    
        return <;

    But the important point is < not <=.


    Your code also uses compare incorrectly. compare is not a type, so it's not a valid argument for the priority_queue template.

    The type of compare is bool (*)(triplet, triplet) so the right way to do this is to use that type in the template and pass the actual comparison function to the constructor. Like this

    priority_queue<triplet, vector<triplet>, bool (*)(triplet, triplet)> pq1(compare);

    BTW normally you would do this by creating a comparison functor, not a function. It's a little cleaner that way (and potentially more efficient).