I'm trying to integrate my bot too the Hangouts Chat API. I migrated from C# to node.js in order to be able to take advantage of the HangoutsAdapter: https://botkit.ai/docs/v4/platforms/hangouts.html
The problem is that the HangoutsAdapter expects a google token and when I go to the Hangouts Chat API configuration tab, I select Bot URL under Connection Settings section, but the only thing I get is a field to enter my bot's url endpoint. Nothing about the Verification Token I'm supposed to pass to the Hangouts Adapter.
Is there any other way to validate the connection to that API with HangoutsAdapter? Should I use something else rather than HangoutsAdapter? Or maybe I should use it in a different way?
I created an issue on https://github.com/howdyai/botkit/issues/1722
Basically hangouts adapter expects a token in order to compare it to the token gotten from the hangouts chat api. But given that the token is not provided anymore by google, the authentication mechanism needs to change