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How to disable csrf protection for a route with dynamic parameter?

I have a route which has a dynamic parameter at the end of the URL. In this route, I fetch data which is sent from an external API with the post method. As 419 page expired error occurs when the external API sends post request, I need to disable csrf protection for this route.

Related route:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:student']], function (){
    Route::post('Result', 'ExamController@Result')->name('exam.Result');

My URL example:

I tried to add this code in VerifyCsrfToken file at App\Http\Middleware:

protected $except = [

It doesn't work. But when I try student/*, it works perfectly. However, disabling the csrf protection for all student path is not what I want.

I tried also this way by getting reference on this thread:

Route::post('Result', [
      'uses' => 'ExamController@Result',
      'nocsrf' => 'true'

That didn't work either.

How can I disable csrf protection in this scenario?


  • You made a typo at App\Http\Middleware, instead of:

    protected $except = [

    You need to use:

    protected $except = [

    Also, based on documentation you can specify the full url that need to be excepted:

    protected $except = [

    Be aware, that you don't need to add parameters part (everything after ? sign, e.g. ?Id=N7utfGkwOLebxMWGA5iUC4S23jgRzW) of route here.