Im doing some homework here. Build a server that handles a requisition to list all registers from a database, dynamically. Im using node js and the modules: express, marko and sqlite3. The db is set and has some registers for testing; (id, name, desc, price). The route '/planos' is set to return a promise, its .then function sends a .marko file, as first parameter, and an object, that is the result from a DAO to list all my stuff from the database, as second parameter. The DAO is working and the object with all the db registers is returning, but i cant get marko to print it in my html...
Im trying to get it right, but i dont know how to refer to the data in the object i passed to the template. A lot of "cant read 'property' of undefined" in the process...
//The route.
app.get('/planos', function(req, resp){
planoDao = new PlanoDAO(db)
resp.marko(require('../views/plano/plano2.marko'), {
planos: resultado
//The .marko file
<table >
<${ planos-tr : 'tr' }>
<for |{planos}| in=data.planos>
<td>ID: ${}</td>
<for(plano in data.planos)>