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Laravel - Log Guzzle requests to file

While working on a project I found third party API's are working from Postman, but doesn't work from Guzzle Client.

Debugging a Guzzle request could be difficult, so is there any way that can log all requests made by Guzzle client can be seen?


  • TLDR;

    There’s an easy way to log all Guzzle requests by passing second parameter to Client and then it will log all the requests. But that’s ugly way if you have many methods using Guzzle Client to send request to third party server. I’ve done it using Laravel’s Service Container.

    Long way via Laravel’s Service Container

    When I used Guzzle client in my project and used handler to log all requests it looks good. But later on there were many methods in many different classes so I have to write logger logic every where. Then I thought why don’t to leverage Laravel’s Service Container and bind an object once and use it everywhere.

    Here’s how I did it. In your AppServiceContainer.php’s boot method we will add all our code. And then in Controllers we will use our Client object.

    Add this use statements on top of the AppServiceContainer.php file.

    use GuzzleHttp\Client;
    use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
    use GuzzleHttp\MessageFormatter;
    use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;
    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    use Monolog\Handler\RotatingFileHandler;
    use Monolog\Logger;

    Add below code to your AppServiceContainer.php’s boot method

     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
            $this->app->bind('GuzzleClient', function () {
                $messageFormats = [
                    'REQUEST: {method} - {uri} - HTTP/{version} - {req_headers} - {req_body}',
                    'RESPONSE: {code} - {res_body}',
                $stack = HandlerStack::create();
                collect($messageFormats)->each(function ($messageFormat) use ($stack) {
                    // We'll use unshift instead of push, to add the middleware to the bottom of the stack, not the top
                            with(new Logger('guzzle-log'))->pushHandler(
                                new RotatingFileHandler(storage_path('logs/guzzle-log.log'))
                            new MessageFormatter($messageFormat)
                return function ($config) use ($stack){
                    return new Client(array_merge($config, ['handler' => $stack]));


    If you have noticed above code, In first line of boot method we are telling Laravel that we want to register this code as a GuzzleClient in your Service Container.

    In last return statement we are returning a function that will accept one argument $config. We used this function as a proxy so that we can pass an argument to it and that can be used in Client Object.

    return function ($config) use ($stack){
          return new Client(array_merge($config, ['handler' => $stack]));

    Rest of the code is building Guzzle’s handler object to Log all requests to a file called guzzle-log.log using Logger object of Monolog library. If you have daily logs enabled, a date will be appended to file name like guzzle-log-2019-08-11.log. Usage

    We have binded our object to Service Container, now it’s time to use this container everywhere in our code, and make it looks clean.

    For demo purpose I’ve used it directly in routes/web.php file. You can use anywhere.

     Route::get('/', function () {
        $client = app('GuzzleClient')(['base_uri' => '']);
        $request = $client->get('get',[
            'query' => ['foo'=>'bar', 'baz' => 'baz2'] ,
            'headers' => [ 'accept' =>  'application/json']
        $response = json_decode((string) $request->getBody());
        return response()->json($response);

    As you can see I’m making an object $client using app() helper. Also you can pass any valid arguments array that Guzzle client supports as a second parameter. Here I’ve passed base_uri.

    Log file entry
