Search code examples

Parsing Sub-Object from an XML Feed with objects

I have an XML Feed to track a package

<xyz_name_of_company-objects version="1.0">
<object pk="1" model="awb">
<field type="BigIntegerField" name="awb_number">5818537179673</field>
<field type="CharField" name="origin">AMSTERDAM</field>
<field type="CharField" name="destination">BERLIN</field>
<field type="CharField" name="current_location_name">BRUSSELS</field>
<field type="CharField" name="current_location_code">BRSL</field>
<field name="scans">
<object pk="1" model="scan_stages">
<field type="DateTimeField" name="updated_on">17 March, 2019, 03:10 </field>
<field type="CharField" name="status">In-Transit</field>
<field type="CharField" name="reason_code_number">002</field>
<field type="CharField" name="scan_status">PICKUP</field>
<field type="CharField" name="location_city">AMSTERDAM</field>
<field type="CharField" name="location_type">Hub</field>
<field type="CharField" name="city_name">AMSTERDAM</field>
<field type="CharField" name="Employee">JOEL - O94383</field>
<object pk="2" model="scan_stages">
<field type="DateTimeField" name="updated_on">18 March, 2019, 22:22 </field>
<field type="CharField" name="status">Bag scanned at Hub</field>
<field type="CharField" name="reason_code"> - </field>
<field type="CharField" name="reason_code_number">003</field>
<field type="CharField" name="scan_status">IN</field>
<field type="CharField" name="location">I1H</field>
<field type="CharField" name="location_city">AMSTERDAM</field>
<field type="CharField" name="location_type">Hub</field>
<field type="CharField" name="city_name">AMSTERDAM</field>
<field type="CharField" name="Employee">ELLEN - 49821</field>

As of now I had been using the following lines of code to get primary data like awb_number, origin, destination

$url = A Get URL with Credentials
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);

$awb = $xml->object->field[0];
$origin= $xml->object->field[1];
$destination = $xml->object->field[3];

Now my concern was to get data within

object pk="1" model="scan_stages"

for the different scan stages which in my case I called the scan statuses.

[FYI : These are different stages of a package in the network of the courier company].

Finally I would like to build an array

    $SCANS = array(); // Master Array for all the Scans available
    foreach($xml->object->field[6] $scans)
    $SCAN[] = array(); // Sub Array for each Scan
    foreach($scans as $scan_info)
    $SCAN['scan'] = array($scan_info['name']=>$scan_info);

    $SCANS[] = $SCAN;

So, the output should be like

    "scan": {
        "employee": "JOEL - O94383",
        "location": "Amsterdam",
        "updated_on": "17 March, 2019, 03:10",
    "scan": {
        "employee": "ELLEN - 49821",
        "location": "Amsterdam"
        "updated_on": "18 March, 2019, 22:22",

My current output array for each scan looks like

        "": {
            "@attributes": {
                "type": "CharField",
                "name": "Employee"
            "0": "JOEL - O94383"
        "": {
            "@attributes": {
                "type": "CharField",
                "name": "location_city"
            "0": "AMSTERDAM"
        "": {
            "@attributes": {
                "type": "DateTimeField",
                "name": "updated_on"
            "0": "17 March, 2019, 03:10"

Thanks in advance!


  • Even if it is not a strict error, I think it is better to have an array of scan rather than several scan keys in the structure.

    $object = $xml->xpath("//object[@pk = '1' and @model = 'awb']")[0] ;
    // get all the scan stages object
    $scanObjects = $object->xpath(".//object[@model = 'scan_stages']");
    $scans = array(); // store all the scans info
    foreach($scanObjects as $scanObject){
        $scan = array() ; // store the current scan info
        // iterate on all "field" in the current scan stage
        foreach($scanObject->xpath('field') as $field){
            $key = (string)$field->xpath('@name')[0] ; // name of the field
            $value = (string) $field ; // value of the field
            $scan[ $key ] = $value ; // add the field to the current scan info
        $scans[] = $scan ; // add the current scan to the scan list
    echo json_encode($scans);

    Output :

        "updated_on":"17 March, 2019, 03:10 ",
        "Employee":"JOEL - O94383"
        "updated_on":"18 March, 2019, 22:22 ",
        "status":"Bag scanned at Hub",
        "reason_code":" - ",
        "Employee":"ELLEN - 49821"