Related to using protobuf as a textual configuraton file I'd like to use protobuf for configuration file.
I expect that protobuf allows me to use simple parser with exact structure.
My configuration structure looks like
package my_config;
message MyConfigItem {
required string type = 1;
required string name = 2;
repeated string inputNames = 3 [packed=true];
repeated string outputNames = 4 [packed=true];
And bunch of different items in config files like
MyConfigItem {
type = "type1";
name = "name1";
inputNames = {"input1", "input2"};
What's the best way for organizing that?
You may write config file like:
type : "type1"
name : "name1"
inputNames : {"input1", "input2"}
So I think that you must use ':' instead of '=', and "do not" write the items wrapped in the brackets.