I created an interceptor with provider and bound it to "rpc"
export class RPCProvider implements Provider<Interceptor> {
public certifierModule: CertifierModule
) { }
value() {
return this.intercept.bind(this);
async intercept<T>(
invocationCtx: InvocationContext,
next: () => ValueOrPromise<T>,
) {
// i want to pass some parameters in here
// ...
return await next();
I can use it like this:
@authenticate('basic', {
scope: []
async test(): Promise<any> {
return await this.dbMain.col("Maintainer").aggregateAndToArray([]);
But how can i pass parameters every time I use it? Something like this:
a:1, // <=
@authenticate('basic', {
scope: []
async test(): Promise<any> {
return await this.dbMain.col("Maintainer").aggregateAndToArray([]);
export const MyInterceptor = function (
...args: any[] // <= pass custom parameters
): Interceptor {
return async function (invocationCtx, next) {
// get binding with `invocationCtx`
const bindingObject = await invocationCtx.get<any>('binding-key');