I have a Plumber rest api, where i have a post request, that sends an excel file
when i access the request object like this
this is the attributes i get:
formContents <- Rook::Multipart$parse(req)
this is what i get
["app_x_browser.xlsx","/tmp/RtmpWOKV2O/Multipart1d3261d35443","application/octet-stream","Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"upload\"; filename=\"app_x_browser.xlsx\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream"]
how can i save this response on disc, from this json data? is there anyway to extract the data and save it onto a file?
I think you could try to send your xlsx file in raw format with something like this in your plummer file
xlsx <- "path/to/xlsxfile.xlsx"
readBin(xlsx, "raw", n=file.info(xlsx)$size)
then of course you will need to handle this with your api request
[your call to the api] > results.xlsx
hope this helps