For my website, users can submit links.
What I want is that when a link is submitted, it parses the DOM of the page being linked, finds the largest image (largest being total width + total height), and make saves a thumbnail of the largest image on that page.
This is so that a thumbnail can be alongside their link.
To achieve this, I'm using the Goutte package and the Image Intervention package with Laravel.
This is what I've done so far:
$goutteClient = new Client();
$guzzleClient = new GuzzleClient(array(
'timeout' => 15,
$crawler = $goutteClient->request('GET', '');
$result = $crawler
foreach ($result as $image) {
//get the width and height of each $image
//$file = image with the biggest width + height
$thumbnail = Image::make($file);
$large->resize(900, 900, function ($constraint) {
The commented out parts is what I'm struggling with.
The foreach
will return the src
of the image, but I don't know how to view the properties of the image.
What is the best way to do this? Saving all the images on the page and THEN viewing their width/height is not an option for me.
I believe you can use,
it will return an array of the attributes which you are looking for. Including the height and width. It requires that allow_url_fopen is set to true in your server configuration. Assuming the image is remote.
so in your case. it may look something like...
$files = [];
// maybe pass this by reference as &$image and store the totals in the same array, otherwise
foreach ($images as $image) {
$attributes = getimagesize($image);
$height = $attributes[0];
$width = $attributes[1];
$total = $height + $width;
// bind the total as the id of the array, if there are multiple matching totals, it will always be the last
// image that matches that is selected.
$files[$total] = $image;
// then you can use any standard logic to extract the data from the new array.