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How to test authentication using Laravel Dusk?

I'm setting up e2e tests using Laravel Dusk and I'm having problems trying to figure out how to test Laravel's authentication.

I am migrating a database using DatabaseMigrations trait and populating it with 1 record ( running setUp method which mocks up a user ). I tried to login with this specific user using the loginAs() method but it doesn't log me in.

My AuthenticationTest.php file

  use DatabaseMigrations;
    public function setUp(): void

    public function an_authenticated_user_will_see_an_account_button()
        $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {

My dusk routes

|        | GET|HEAD | _dusk/login/{userId}/{guard?} |                  | Laravel\Dusk\Http\Controllers\UserController@login                     | web          |
|        | GET|HEAD | _dusk/logout/{guard?}         |                  | Laravel\Dusk\Http\Controllers\UserController@logout                    | web          |
|        | GET|HEAD | _dusk/user/{guard?}           |                  | Laravel\Dusk\Http\Controllers\UserController@user                      | web          |

Note that I haven't touched any controllers, files related to Laravel Dusk!

I am not using a testing database for my tests and I know that's bad I'm getting into it don't hate me.

Steps to reproduce the bug ( You need to have XAMPP ):
1. Clone the repo
2. Switch to branch account
2. Configure the .env file to match your database
3. Make sure to configure vhosts Apache file and etc/hosts file so you can access recipemanager.test as home route ( recipemanager.test )
4. Run php artisan dusk

Errors: 1)Tests\Browser\AuthenticationTest::an_authenticated_user_will_see_an_account_button Did not see expected text [Account] within element [body]. Failed asserting that false is true.


  • I fixed the problem by visiting recipes visit('/recipes'). The problem was in the environment file -> APP_URL was set to localhost and Dusk was trying to visit localhost:800/recipes. I checked that by asserting full URL

     $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
    Error: Actual URL [http://localhost/recipes] does not equal expected URL [http://recipemanager.test/recipes].

    .env file


    After I changed the APP_URL to http://recipemanager.test and visit /recipes everything is working fine!