What I mean is this:
data D = A Int | B String -- A sum type.
isA, isB :: D -> Bool -- Component predicates.
isA (A _) = True
isA _ = False
isB (B _) = True
isB _ = False
This is tedious to define. Surely there is a better way. And one way there is:
data D = A Int | B String deriving (Typeable, Data)
isA', isB' :: D -> Bool
isA' x = toConstr x == toConstr (A undefined)
isB' x = toConstr x == toConstr (B undefined)
But it requires me to provide an example value.
There is a trick that allows one to "fold" functions of any number of variables with an "inductive" class, which lets us define a method that obtains a value from a constructor of any arity:
class C a v where createValue :: a -> v
instance C b D => C (a -> b) D where createValue f = createValue (f undefined)
instance C D D where createValue = id
compareConstructor :: forall a v. (C a v, Data v) => v -> a -> Bool
compareConstructor x c = toConstr x == toConstr (createValue c :: v)
This is how it works:
data D = A Int | B String | C Bool Char deriving (Typeable, Data, Show)
λ compareConstructor (B "z") (C True)
λ compareConstructor (C True 'c') C
I like this solution, but I wonder if there is a more straightforward way to solve this simple, everyday problem.
I have a list of values of type D, mostly filled with A _
, and I need to find out whether a B _
value occurs before C _ _
. I can solve this problem by comparing two findIndex
invocations, but I need to parametrize them appropriately.
GHC.Generics is another way.
You can use the is
function from the lens library and generic prisms from the generic-lens library to check whether a value starts with a given constructor MyCon
is (_Ctor @"MyCon") myValue
:: Bool
Compilable example:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, TypeApplications, DataKinds #-}
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Generics.Sum
import Control.Lens.Extras
data D = A Int | B String
deriving Generic
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ is (_Ctor @"A") (A 0) -- True
print $ is (_Ctor @"A") (B "") -- False
print $ is (_Ctor @"B") (A 0) -- False
print $ is (_Ctor @"B") (B "") -- True