Below is a screenshot of me accessing and inspecting the Google Chrome DevTools' "Network" tab, and viewing the Timing data for the root & child requests.
How can I get all of the above timing data programatically using Puppeteer? Ideally, it would look like this JSON structure:
name: "",
queueTime: 0,
startedTime: 1.93,
stalledTime: 4.59,
dnsLookupTime: 10.67,
initialConnectionTime: <the number of milliseconds>,
name: <the next child request>,
You want to check out HAR (HTTP Archive) files, which is what you would create by saving the data via Chrome.
Quotation what a HAR file is (source):
The HAR file format is an evolving standard and the information contained within it is both flexible and extensible. You can expect a HAR file to include a breakdown of timings including:
- How long it takes to fetch DNS information
- How long each object takes to be requested
- How long it takes to connect to the server
- How long it takes to transfer assets from the server to the browser of each object
The data is stored as a JSON document and extracting meaning from the low-level data is not always easy. But with practice a HAR file can quickly help you identify the key performance problems with a web page, letting you efficiently target your development efforts at areas of your site that will deliver the greatest results.
There are libraries like puppeteer-har and chrome-har which can create HAR files by using puppeteer.
Code sample (for puppeteer-har, quote from the page)
const har = new PuppeteerHar(page);
await har.start({ path: 'results.har' });
await page.goto('');
await har.stop();