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Disable progress output aws s3 sync without disabling all output

Is there any way to disable the

Completed 1 of 12 part(s) with 11 file(s) remaining...

progress output with the aws s3 sync command (from the aws cli tools).

I know there is a --quiet option but I don't want to use it because I still want the Upload... details in my logfile.

Not a big issue, but creates mess in the logfile like:

Completed 1 of 12 part(s) with 11 file(s) remaining^Mupload: local/file to s3://some.bucket/remote/file

Where ^M is a control character.


  • As of October 2017, it is possible to only suppress upload progress with aws s3 cp, aws s3 sync and aws s3 mv by using the --no-progress option:

    --no-progress (boolean) File transfer progress is not displayed. This flag is only applied when the quiet and only-show-errors flags are not provided.


    aws s3 sync /path/to/directory s3://bucket/folder --no-progress


    upload: /path/to/directory to s3://bucket/folder