I would really appreciate if you could help me with the following query; Having the following tables:
ResultId1 pattern1
ResultId1 pattern2
ResultId1 pattern4
ResultId2 pattern3
pattern1 Name1
pattern2 Name2
pattern3 Name3
pattern4 Name4
What is the best way to check if list of values (patternNames from User) are IN or exist in the list of patterns of a particular Result
For example select only the Results that have pattern Names(Name2, Name3)? I have something like:
and exists(select TablePatterns from TableResultsPatterns left join
TablePatterns f on TableResultsPatterns.patternId = f.id
where TableResultsPatterns.ResultsId = ResultIdX and patternName in ('Name2', 'Name4'))
Edit 1:
(ResultId pk)
(ResultId (fk TablePatterns.PatternId)
fk TableResults.ResultId)
ResultId1 pattern1
ResultId1 pattern2
ResultId1 pattern4
ResultId2 pattern3
(PatternId pk) (PatternName)
pattern1 Name1
pattern2 Name2
pattern3 Name3
pattern4 Name4
in my main query i have:
right join TableResults wsr on wsr.patient_well_sample_id=XXX.id
left join TableResultsPatterns wsrfp on wsr.ResultId=wsrfp.ResultId
left join TablePatterns fp on wsrfp.final_patterns_id=fp.id
note: I´m string_agg(the PAtternNAmes for every TableResult) in select
If you have a list of patterns and you want the results that contain them, you can use aggregation. For instance:
select resultid
from resultpatterns rp
where pattern in (?, ?, ?)
group by resultid
having count(distinct pattern) = 3; -- 3 is the size of the list