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Marklogic WebDav server connection not working after macOS Mojave upgrade

All Mac computers at my job were upgraded to macOS Mojave four days ago. Since then, no Mac users have been able to connect to any MarkLogic WebDav servers. PC users are able to connect no problem and so are Macs that are still running older versions of macOS.

Also, now when trying to connect to the WebDav server through Finder, we get this pop-up message: "Do you want to send your name and password in a way that is insecure?

The baseURL provided uses an unsecured method for network communication. To use a secure connection, you must use a server that supports SSL."

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there a setting in MarkLogic that we need to change?

Thank you!


  • It was an Apple issue. We installed the Mojave 10.14.6 supplemental update and the problem fixed itself. We're able to connect to the WebDav servers no problem. Thanks!