This is my first time using twilio and I start with the new twilio-cli and I create new project to build and deploy a backend over twilio functions, but I need that some of the functions keep in private, and I want to call that function through their specific api-endpoint but, I always receive the message "Unauthorized - you are not authenticated to perform this request"
This is the plugin that I am using with twilio-cli to start the basic project to deploy to twilio.
I already tried to use the curl documentation that I found here: but none of the example execute the function.
curl -X POST '' \
-u ACXXXXXXXXXXXX:your_auth_token
I just need to receive a hello world message, this is the code of the function:
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();
twiml.message("Hello World!");
console.log("Track this");
callback(null, twiml);
Heyooo. π Twilio developer evangelist here.
If you followed the serverless plugin init process by running twilio serverless:init
you should have the following project structure.
βββ assets
βΒ Β βββ index.html
βΒ Β βββ message.private.js
βΒ Β βββ style.css
βββ functions
βΒ Β βββ hello-world.js
βΒ Β βββ private-message.js
βΒ Β βββ sms
β βββreply.protected.js
βββ node_modules
βββ package-lock.json
βββ package.json
These files result in the following HTTP endpoints after you run twilio serverless:deploy
. (you will have a different domain).
Deploying functions & assets to the Twilio Runtime
Account SK6a...
Token kegH****************************
Service Name foo-2
Environment dev
Root Directory /private/tmp/foo
Env Variables
β Serverless project successfully deployed
Deployment Details
foo (ZS8...)
dev (ZE0...)
Build SID:
[private] Runtime.getAssets()['/message.js']
Have a close look at the Runtime Urls in the functions block. These are the endpoints that will be available. As you see the bootstrap project includes two public functions (/hello-world
and /private-message
). You can call these with curl or your browser.
Additionally, there is one protected function (/sms/reply
). This function available for calls from within Twilio.
This means that protected functions expect a valid Twilio signature. You can read about that here. If you connect e.g. Studio to call the function it will work because the webhook includes a Twilio signature. If you want to curl
it you have to provide X-Twilio-Signature
Hope this helps. :)