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ICollection as argument: Provide List or Array

If some method requires an ICollection<T> as an argument, but I have only an IEnumerable<T> available: Is it better to convert this IEnumerable<T> to a IList<T> or is it better to convert it to an array T[] or shall I convert it to something else or is there no difference at all?

The IEnumerable<T> is only required for this method call, so no further read/write/extend is required.


  • If you're not going to be accessing the elements, you should use ToList() as explained why here.

    If you'll be iterating through the elements, then it'd be better performance-wise to do it via an index (meaning casting them to an array), so that you can use a for loop, instead of a foreach loop.

    for is faster than your typical foreach due to it using an index to access each element.