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Reverse Engineering Fixed Point Numbers

I am currently putting an engine into another car and I want to keep the fuel economy calulation inside the boardcomputer working. I managed to recode this part sucessfully, but I have been trying to figure out the (simple?) two byte dataformat they used without success. I assume it is fixed point notation, but no matter how I shift it around, it does not line up. How do the two bytes represent the right number?

Some examples:

Bytes (Dec) --> Result
174,10 -> 2,67 
92,11  -> 2,84
128,22 -> 3,75
25,29  -> 4,85
225,23 -> 3,98 
00,40  -> 5,00 
128,34 -> 5,75


  • Here's a partial solution:

    First, swap the bytes. Then join them:

    The result (in hex) is:


    Then split the into the first digit (4 bits), the remaining three digits (12 bits) and keep the entire number (16 bits) as well. The result (in decimal) is:

    0  2734   2734
    0  2908   2908
    1  1664   5760
    1  3353   7449
    1  2017   6113
    2  2048  10240
    2   640   8832

    The first digits seems to be a multiplication factor. 0 stands for 1024, 1 for 1536, 2 for 2048. The formula possibly is f = (1024 + n * 512).

    Now divide the entire number by the multiplication factor. The result, rounded to two decimal places, is:

     2734 / 1024 =  2.67
     2908 / 1024 =  2.84
     5760 / 1536 =  3.75
     7449 / 1536 =  4.85
     6113 / 1536 =  3.98
    10240 / 2048 =  5.00
     8832 / 2048 =  4.31

    It works for all except the last number, which might contain a mistake.

    So it seems to be some sort of floating-point number but I don't recoginze the specific format. Possibly, there is a simpler formula the explains the number.