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Why manual autocorrelation does not match acf() results?

I'm trying to understand acf and pacf. But do not understand why acf() results do not match simple cor() with lag1

I have simulated a time series

ar_sim <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1,0,0), ar = 0.4), n = 100)

ar_sim_t <- ar_sim[1:99]
ar_sim_t1 <- ar_sim[2:100]

cor(ar_sim_t, ar_sim_t1)   ## 0.1438489
acf(ar_sim)[[1]][2]        ## 0.1432205

Could you please explain why the first lag correlation in acf() does not exactly match the manual cor() between the series and lag1?


  • The correct way of estimating the autocorrelation of a discrete process with known mean and variance is the following. See, for instance, the Wikipedia.

    n <- length(ar_sim)
    l <- 1
    mu <- mean(ar_sim)
    s <- sd(ar_sim)
    sum((ar_sim_t - mu)*(ar_sim_t1 - mu))/((n - l)*s^2)
    #[1] 0.1432205

    This value is not identical to the one computed by the built-in stats::acf but is very close to it.

    a.stats <- acf(ar_sim)[[1]][2]
    a.manual <- sum((ar_sim_t - mu)*(ar_sim_t1 - mu))/((n - l)*sd(ar_sim)^2)
    all.equal(a.stats, a.manual)  # TRUE
    identical(a.stats, a.manual)  # FALSE
    a.stats - a.manual
    #[1] 1.110223e-16