I have a Matlab array R
of size 3x500
(see below). Each column of R
, R(:,i)
, represents a point defined by the coordinates x=Rb(1,i)
, z=Rb(3,i)
. Each of such points is such that x>=0
, y>=0
, z>=0
and x+y+z=1
. I.e., each of such points belongs to the 2-unit simplex.
Let A
be the surface obtained by connecting the points in R
I would like to create a 3 dimensional Matlab figure in which we can see
1) the 2-unit simplex
2) the surface A
inside the 2-unit simplex.
In other words, I would like to obtained figure like below, where the shaded area is the 2-unit simplex and the dark area is (for example) A
I have tried this (just for A
T = delaunayTriangulation(R');
A = convexHull(T);
This is what I get:
It does not look similar to my hand drawn figure. I guess it is a matter of axis positions, rotations, etc. Furthermore, I don't know how to plot also the 2-unit simplex. Could you help?
You are not very far! Just few style options and the plot of the 2-simplex and you should be good to go! Remove edges of your patch
(so it looks flat) and make another patch
call using the 3 corners of the 2-simplex. Nothing more needed.
T = delaunayTriangulation(R.');
A = convexHull(T);
% plot 2-simplex
patch([0 0 1],[0 1 0],[1 0 0],[0.8 0.8 0.8]);
axis equal
axis([0 1 0 1 0 1])
hold on
%plot A
% optional: plot the points