I would like to use a scheme like this to plot satellite imagery. I'm soliciting ideas surrounding data types and scaling.
`ffn' is a .tiff, a proper geoTiff wit good metadata which looks like:
Filename: '.\2017-04-04_Sentinel-2A_L1C_True_color.tiff'
FileModDate: '13-Aug-2019 20:10:04'
FileSize: 31465344
Format: 'tif'
FormatVersion: []
Height: 2144
Width: 4892
BitDepth: 32
ColorType: 'truecolor'
ModelType: 'ModelTypeGeographic'
PCS: ''
Projection: ''
MapSys: ''
Zone: []
CTProjection: ''
ProjParm: []
ProjParmId: ''
GCS: 'WGS 84'
Datum: 'World Geodetic System 1984'
Ellipsoid: 'WGS 84'
SemiMajor: 6378137
SemiMinor: 6.3568e+06
PM: 'Greenwich'
PMLongToGreenwich: 0
UOMLength: ''
UOMLengthInMeters: []
UOMAngle: 'degree'
UOMAngleInDegrees: 1
TiePoints: [1×1 struct]
PixelScale: [3×1 double]
SpatialRef: [1×1 map.rasterref.GeographicCellsReference]
RefMatrix: [3×2 double]
BoundingBox: [2×2 double]
CornerCoords: [1×1 struct]
GeoTIFFCodes: [1×1 struct]
GeoTIFFTags: [1×1 struct]
intensity_range = 2^16;
% call geoimread
[A, x, y, I] = geoimread(ffn, LON, LAT, 0);
% I.BitDepth shows that image is 32-bit, single type
% The range of A is: 0.0470 - 1
% index image
[X, map] = rgb2ind(A, intensity_range);
% get the size of the colormap
% size(map) yields 4923, 3
pcolor(x, y, X);
All I see is black.
I suspect A must be scaled prior to being converted to an indexed image.
The displayed result is black because the black grid hides the image.
When you zoom in, you can see the image data.
You can hide the gird as follows:
h = pcolor(x, y, X);
s = findobj(h, 'type', 'surface');
s.EdgeColor = 'none';
You may also display just a small part of the image, or zoom in (e.g. zoom(100)
You can also try resizing the image:
pcolor(imresize(x, [100, 100]), imresize(y, [100, 100]), imresize(X, [100, 100]));