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Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: is not a function (React using axios getting data from ASP.NET API)

I've created an API using ASP.NET, and I've got a Website running React. I'm wanting to display the data retrieve with a get request from the API to React using Axios. The website has an authentication method using two cookies. I can get the Axios to get data from, but when i use the same bit of code, then I get the error: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: is not a function.

I've tried as mentioned above to use a placeholder, and that works fine, but can't seem to get thedata from my API, which leads me to believe that the problem lies in the cookies. I've also tried a few Google searches, which returned that I should include withCredentials: true, but that doesn't do the trick.

Here is the function from my API:

public JsonResult YearlyManagersJSON(int year = 0)
    if (year < 2000 || year > DateTime.Today.Year)
        year = DateTime.Today.Year;

    var startDate = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);
    var endDate = new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1);

    var bonds = this.getOverviewData(ReportType.BONDS, startDate, endDate);
    var bondsSum = bonds.Sum(m => m.Aggregate);

    var viewData = new TopLeadManagerViewData
            Title = String.Format("Top Managers in {0}", startDate.Year),
            Currency = SiteHelper.getCurrencyToUse(),
            Bonds = Enumerable.Select(bonds, m => new ManagerSummary()
                    NumberOfIssues = (int)m.Aggregate2,
                    TotalAmount = m.Aggregate * 1000000,
                    Name = m.Group.ToString(),
                    Share = 100.0m * m.Aggregate / bondsSum

        return this.Json(viewData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

This returns a JSON, which i have checked using Postman. Then i try to access the data using axios.

state = {
    yearlyBonds: []

componentDidMount() {
        { withCredentials: true }
    .then(res => {
        const yearlyBonds =;
        this.setState({ yearlyBonds });

render() {
    return (
        // Tags removed for simplicity
        <ListTable data={this.state.yearlyBonds.Bonds} />

The data is then passed down into the component

function ListTable(props) {
        const { classes, header, data } = props;
            // Tags removed for simplicity
                            {, i) => {
                                    <TableRow key={i}>
                                        <TableCell scope="row">{x.Name}</TableCell>
                                        <TableCell scope="row">{x.TotalAmount}</TableCell>
                                        <TableCell scope="row">{x.Share}</TableCell>
                                        <TableCell scope="row">{x.NumberOfIssues}</TableCell>

So, this returns the error

"Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: is not a function", which I would like to have display the data retrieved.


  • Your initial state is,

    yearlyBonds: []

    When component first renders it takes initial state. Initially you have empty array. So iteration over empty array giving you the error.

    You can conditionally add your component like,

    { this.state.yearlyBonds.Bonds && <ListTable data={this.state.yearlyBonds.Bonds} />}