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Constrained linear least squares not fitting data

I am trying to fit a 3D surface polynomial of n-degrees to some data points in 3D space. My system requires the surface to be monotonically increasing in the area of interest, that is the partial derivatives must be non-negative. This can be achieved using Matlab's built in lsqlin function.

So here's what I've done to try and achieve this:

I have a function that takes in four parameters; x1 and x2 are my explanatory variables and y is my dependent variable. Finally, I can specify order of polynomial fit. First I build the design matrix A using data from x1 and x2 and the degree of fit I want. Next I build the matrix D that is my container for the partial derivatives of my datapoints. NOTE: the matrix D is double the length of matrix A since all datapoints must be differentiated with respect to both x1 and x2. I specify that Dx >= 0 by setting b to be zeroes.

Finally, I call lsqlin. I use "-D" since Matlab defines the function as Dx <= b.

function w_mono = monotone_surface_fit(x1, x2, y, order_fit)

% Initialize design matrix
A = zeros(length(x1), 2*order_fit+2);

% Adjusting for bias term
A(:,1) = ones(length(x1),1); 

% Building design matrix
for i = 2:order_fit+1
    A(:,(i-1)*2:(i-1)*2+1) = [x1.^(i-1), x2.^(i-1)];

% Initialize matrix containing derivative constraint.
% NOTE: Partial derivatives must be non-negative
D = zeros(2*length(y), 2*order_fit+1);

% Filling matrix that holds constraints for partial derivatives
% NOTE: Matrix D will be double length of A since all data points will have a partial derivative constraint in both x1 and x2 directions. 
for i = 2:order_fit+1
     D(:,(i-1)*2:(i-1)*2+1) = [(i-1)*x1.^(i-2), zeros(length(x2),1); ...
                                 zeros(length(x1),1), (i-1)*x2.^(i-2)];

% Limit of derivatives
b = zeros(2*length(y), 1);

% Constrained LSQ fit
options = optimoptions('lsqlin','Algorithm','interior-point');

% Final weights of polynomial
w_mono = lsqlin(A,y,-D,b,[],[],[],[],[], options);


So now I get some weights out, but unfortunately they do not at all capture the structure of the data. I've attached an image so you can just how bad it looks. enter image description here.

I'll give you my plotting script with some dummy data, so you can try it.

%% Plot different order polynomials to data with constraints

x1 = [-5;12;4;9;18;-1;-8;13;0;7;-5;-8;-6;14;-1;1;9;14;12;1;-5;9;-10;-2;9;7;-1;19;-7;12;-6;3;14;0;-8;6;-2;-7;10;4;-5;-7;-4;-6;-1;18;5;-3;3;10];
x2 = [81.25;61;73;61.75;54.5;72.25;80;56.75;78;64.25;85.25;86;80.5;61.5;79.25;76.75;60.75;54.5;62;75.75;80.25;67.75;86.5;81.5;62.75;66.25;78.25;49.25;82.75;56;84.5;71.25;58.5;77;82;70.5;81.5;80.75;64.5;68;78.25;79.75;81;82.5;79.25;49.5;64.75;77.75;70.25;64.5];
y = [-6.52857142857143;-1.04736842105263;-5.18750000000000;-3.33157894736842;-0.117894736842105;-3.58571428571429;-5.61428571428572;0;-4.47142857142857;-1.75438596491228;-7.30555555555556;-8.82222222222222;-5.50000000000000;-2.95438596491228;-5.78571428571429;-5.15714285714286;-1.22631578947368;-0.340350877192983;-0.142105263157895;-2.98571428571429;-4.35714285714286;-0.963157894736842;-9.06666666666667;-4.27142857142857;-3.43684210526316;-3.97894736842105;-6.61428571428572;0;-4.98571428571429;-0.573684210526316;-8.22500000000000;-3.01428571428571;-0.691228070175439;-6.30000000000000;-6.95714285714286;-2.57232142857143;-5.27142857142857;-7.64285714285714;-2.54035087719298;-3.45438596491228;-5.01428571428571;-7.47142857142857;-5.38571428571429;-4.84285714285714;-6.78571428571429;0;-0.973684210526316;-4.72857142857143;-2.84285714285714;-2.54035087719298];

% Used to plot the surface in all points in the grid
X1 = meshgrid(-10:1:20);
X2 = flipud(meshgrid(30:2:90).');

for i = 1:4

    w_mono = monotone_surface_fit(x1, x2, y, i);

    y_nr = w_mono(1)*ones(size(X1)) + w_mono(2)*ones(size(X2));

    for j = 1:i
        y_nr = w_mono(j*2)*X1.^j + w_mono(j*2+1)*X2.^j;

    scatter3(x1, x2, y); hold on;

    axis tight;

    mesh(X1, X2, y_nr);
    set(gca, 'ZDir','reverse');

    xlabel('x1'); ylabel('x2');
%     zlim([-10 0])

I think it may have something to do with the fact that I haven't specified anything about the region of interest, but really I don't know. Thanks in advance for any help.


  • Alright I figured it out.

    The main problem was simply an error in the plotting script. The value of y_nr should be updated and not overwritten in the loop.

    Also I figured out that the second derivative should be monotonically decreasing. Here's the updated code if anybody is interested.

    %% Plot different order polynomials to data with constraints
    x1 = [-5;12;4;9;18;-1;-8;13;0;7;-5;-8;-6;14;-1;1;9;14;12;1;-5;9;-10;-2;9;7;-1;19;-7;12;-6;3;14;0;-8;6;-2;-7;10;4;-5;-7;-4;-6;-1;18;5;-3;3;10];
    x2 = [81.25;61;73;61.75;54.5;72.25;80;56.75;78;64.25;85.25;86;80.5;61.5;79.25;76.75;60.75;54.5;62;75.75;80.25;67.75;86.5;81.5;62.75;66.25;78.25;49.25;82.75;56;84.5;71.25;58.5;77;82;70.5;81.5;80.75;64.5;68;78.25;79.75;81;82.5;79.25;49.5;64.75;77.75;70.25;64.5];
    y = [-6.52857142857143;-1.04736842105263;-5.18750000000000;-3.33157894736842;-0.117894736842105;-3.58571428571429;-5.61428571428572;0;-4.47142857142857;-1.75438596491228;-7.30555555555556;-8.82222222222222;-5.50000000000000;-2.95438596491228;-5.78571428571429;-5.15714285714286;-1.22631578947368;-0.340350877192983;-0.142105263157895;-2.98571428571429;-4.35714285714286;-0.963157894736842;-9.06666666666667;-4.27142857142857;-3.43684210526316;-3.97894736842105;-6.61428571428572;0;-4.98571428571429;-0.573684210526316;-8.22500000000000;-3.01428571428571;-0.691228070175439;-6.30000000000000;-6.95714285714286;-2.57232142857143;-5.27142857142857;-7.64285714285714;-2.54035087719298;-3.45438596491228;-5.01428571428571;-7.47142857142857;-5.38571428571429;-4.84285714285714;-6.78571428571429;0;-0.973684210526316;-4.72857142857143;-2.84285714285714;-2.54035087719298];
    % Used to plot the surface in all points in the grid
    X1 = meshgrid(-10:1:20);
    X2 = flipud(meshgrid(30:2:90).');
    for i = 1:4
        w_mono = monotone_surface_fit(x1, x2, y, i);
        % NOTE: Should only have 1 bias term
        y_nr = w_mono(1)*ones(size(X1));
        for j = 1:i
            y_nr = y_nr + w_mono(j*2)*X1.^j + w_mono(j*2+1)*X2.^j;
        scatter3(x1, x2, y); hold on;
        axis tight;
        mesh(X1, X2, y_nr);
        set(gca, 'ZDir','reverse');
        xlabel('x1'); ylabel('x2');
    %     zlim([-10 0])

    And here's the updated function

    function [w_mono, w] = monotone_surface_fit(x1, x2, y, order_fit)
    % Initialize design matrix
    A = zeros(length(x1), 2*order_fit+1);
    % Adjusting for bias term
    A(:,1) = ones(length(x1),1); 
    % Building design matrix
    for i = 2:order_fit+1
        A(:,(i-1)*2:(i-1)*2+1) = [x1.^(i-1), x2.^(i-1)];
    % Initialize matrix containing derivative constraint.
    % NOTE: Partial derivatives must be non-negative
    D = zeros(2*length(y), 2*order_fit+1);
    for i = 2:order_fit+1
        D(:,(i-1)*2:(i-1)*2+1) = [(i-1)*x1.^(i-2), zeros(length(x2),1); ...
            zeros(length(x1),1), -(i-1)*x2.^(i-2)];
    % Limit of derivatives
    b = zeros(2*length(y), 1);
    % Constrained LSQ fit
    options = optimoptions('lsqlin','Algorithm','active-set');
    w_mono = lsqlin(A,y,-D,b,[],[],[],[],[], options);
    w = lsqlin(A,y);

    Finally a plot of the fitting (Have used a new simulation, but fit also works on given dummy data).

    enter image description here