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how to change the background color of flyout in uwp?

I want to set menu flyout background either in c# or xaml.

I want like this

     <MenuFlyout x:Name="Flyout">
        <MenuFlyout.Items >
           <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Add Expense" Click="AddExpense_Click"/>
           <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Add Friends" Click="AddFriends_Click"/>

... And this is my xaml code for menu fly-out


  • For your requirement, you could custom MenuFlyoutPresenterStyle like the following

    <MenuFlyout x:Name="Flyout">
                <Style TargetType="MenuFlyoutPresenter">
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Red"/>
            <MenuFlyout.Items >
                <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Add Expense" />
                <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Add Friends" />