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Upgrading from Helm stable/cert-manager to jetstack/cert-manager

We have a production AKS cluster that has a stable/cert-manager helm chart installed to allow using Let's Encrypt certificates. The current version installed is cert-manager-v0.6.0 in the kube-system namespace.

Let's Encrypt is to stop support for traffic from cert-manager pre 8.0 version from 1st of November 2019.

I would like to upgrade but the latest available stable chart version is v0.6.7. Seems like the way to go is to switch to jetstack/cert-manager.

How do I best approach this? Shall I uninstall the current stable/cert-manager chart and install from scratch with the jetstack/cert-manager? Any resource on how to tackle this without downtime in production would be much appreciated. Please let me know if I can provide any more details.


  • For anyone asking the same question, I have tried to perform clean install on my test cluster and this seemed to work fairly smoothly. I have found what the name of my the helm release was by running helm list

    then I have performed the following steps:


    kubectl get -o yaml \
       --all-namespaces \
       issuer,clusterissuer,certificates,orders,challenges > cert-manager-backup.yaml



    # Uninstall the Helm chart
    helm delete --purge <your release name here>
    # Ensure the cert-manager CustomResourceDefinition resources do not exist:
    kubectl delete crd \ \ \

    described in step 2 here

    3.Install a fresh jetstack version:

    # Install the CustomResourceDefinition resources separately
    kubectl apply -f
    # Create the namespace for cert-manager
    kubectl create namespace cert-manager
    # Label the cert-manager namespace to disable resource validation
    kubectl label namespace cert-manager
    # Add the Jetstack Helm repository
    helm repo add jetstack
    # Update your local Helm chart repository cache
    helm repo update
    # Install the cert-manager Helm chart
    helm install --name <your release name here> --namespace cert-manager --version v0.9.1 jetstack/cert-manager

    described here


    I have tried running

    kubectl apply -f cert-manager-backup.yaml

    as described here but this step actually didn't fully work for me. The Issuers were created (self signed and CA) but I could not re-create the Certificates and ClusterIssuer. These were the errors I have received:

    Error from server (InternalError): Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": the server is currently unable to handle the request
    Error from server (InternalError): Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": the server is currently unable to handle the request

    I had my original yaml files and was able to create the ClusterIssuer and Certificate by applying them