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How to I return query data after committing a transaction (using knex.js)?

I'm trying to register a user. The process is as follows - I first generate a hash for the user, then generate a token. Assuming these 2 steps are successful, I then add the user to the database.

This step involves adding the user to 2 tables - a user_credentials table containing just the hash, and using the id returned after this operation to add the other user details and token to a users table.

I am able to successfully add the user - however, when I try to access the user data returned by knex after adding the user to both tables, I always get Data: undefined.

Not sure what's the correct way to send the row data back from createUser(), and have it available in the next then block (where it's console logged).

const handleRegister = (req, res, db, bcrypt, saltRounds) => {
    // Get the details from the body
    let user = req.body;
    // Hash the plain text password using bcrypt
    bcrypt.hash(user.password, saltRounds)
        .then((hash) => {
            delete user.password;
            // set user's hash to encrypted pw
            user.hash = hash; 
        // Create token to be sent back to the client to create a session
        .then(() => createToken())
        // Set user's token to created token
        .then((token)=> {
            user.token = token;
        // Save hashed password to db for the user and save user data to db with created token
        .then(() => createUser(user, db))
        // Return info of created user
        .then((data) => {
            delete user.hash;
            console.log("User:", user);
            console.log("Data:", data);
        .catch((err) => {
            console.log("This was the error:", err);
            res.status(400).json("Something went wrong");

// creating a user in the database
const createUser = (user, db) => {
    return db.transaction((trx) => {
            hash: user.hash
        .then((userId) => {
            return trx('users')
                    user_id: userId[0],
                    token: user.token,
                    created_at: new Date()
        .then((data)=> {
            return trx.commit()
            .then(() => data);
        .catch((err) => {
            throw err;


  • OK, after sleeping on it, seem to have found the solution.

    It appears that db.transaction creates a pending promise, which is either resolved by trx.commit or rejected by trx.rollback. So the entire transaction with commit and rollback needed to be considered as one block, with a then block afterwards returning the data rows after a successful insert. See code below.

    References if someone wants to know more -

    const createUser = (user, db) => {
        return db.transaction((trx) => {
                hash: user.hash
            .then((userId) => {
                return trx('users')
                        user_id: userId[0],
                        token: user.token,
                        created_at: new Date()
            .catch((err) => {
                throw err;
    //Return the data here instead of along with trx.commit
        .then((data) => {
            return data;
        .catch((err) => {