I am new to iOS development. I want to know something: My Xcode is showing some warnings in my code. These warnings belong to third party library. Does Apple store reject my app if it has few warnings in code??
This answer makes a key assumption that you are using Cocoapods since you mention a third party library. If that is not the case, then ignore this.
As @rmaddy has pointed out, a deprecated library likely contains code that Apple is telling you "this works now, but it may stop working at some point in the future or behave in ways we cannot guarantee will be good". With that said, you are free to submit an app with all the warnings you can generate.
With that all said, you can make those warnings go away by adding the following line to your Podfile
Add this line to the top of your Podfile, and then re-run pod install
This tells Xcode to ignore all warnings generated by the libraries.
You ignore these warnings at your own peril. Xcode is doing its best to warn you of potentially bad things, but some times you just have to use a library for some reason (I can think of some major projects from well known tech companies) and that library is riddled with warnings. Using the above statement can maintain sanity by dismissing warnings that I frankly cannot do anything about.