I loaded images in my bucket in S3 and I want to require these files in my seed.
Here's my actual seed.rb (which use my images stored in local via active storage) :
require 'faker'
20.times do |i|
item = Item.create!(
title: Faker::Games::Pokemon.name,
description: Faker::Lorem.paragraph_by_chars(60, false),
price: 5.0)
item.image.attach(io: File.open("app/assets/images/chatons/#{i}.jpg"), filename: "#{i}.jpg")
So I have two simple questions :
Yes, it is possible to seed a db from files in an AWS S3 object store. You will need the AWS_SDK for Ruby
I've amended your seeds.rb file below:
require 'faker'
require 'aws-sdk-s3'
s3 = Aws::S3::Resource.new(region: 'us-west-2') # Change this to your region
20.times do |i|
item = Item.create!(
title: Faker::Games::Pokemon.name,
description: Faker::Lorem.paragraph_by_chars(60, false),
price: 5.0)
# Create the object to retrieve
obj = s3.bucket('my-bucket').object('#{i}.jpg') # change this to your bucket name
# Get the item's content and save it to local
obj.get(response_target: 'app/assets/images/chatons/#{i}.jpg')
item.image.attach(io: File.open("app/assets/images/chatons/#{i}.jpg"), filename: "#{i}.jpg")
I'm sure this could be optimised. For example, you may not need to save it locally, or perhaps the local version could be deleted after attaching the image.
The AWS SDK for Ruby documentation explains how to set your aws credentials as environment variables, so you don't need to have your images publicly accessible.