I've been using the write.xlsx
function to append new rows of data that I pull in via a HTML scrapper
. For some reason though instead of pulling in the information from one url
pasting it in the sheet and moving on to the next one it just paste the last url
I put in the function.
I've tried writing a for loop
in the actual code, getting rid of the for loop
and calling the function for each individual url
and putting the url
s into a vector
and using the lapply
function on the vector. All of these methods "work" but have the same result.
urlpull <- function(site){
url <- site
webpage <- read_html(url)
tbls <- webpage %>% html_nodes("table") %>% html_table(header = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
tbls <- tbls %>% lmap( ~ set_names(.x, nm = pluck(.x, 1, 1, 1))) %>% map(~ set_names(.x, nm = .x[2, ]))
abbr <- as.data.frame(webpage %>% html_nodes('strong') %>% html_text() %>% .[5:6])
rec <- as.data.frame(webpage %>% html_nodes('div') %>% html_text() %>% .[c(26,33)])
date <- as.data.frame(webpage %>% html_nodes('div') %>% html_text() %>% .[36])
awaybas <- tbls %>% .[1]
awayadv <- tbls %>% .[2]
homebas <- tbls %>% .[3]
homeadv <- tbls %>% .[4]
ab1 <- as.data.frame(awaybas)
aa1 <- as.data.frame(awayadv)
hb1 <- as.data.frame(homebas)
ha1 <- as.data.frame(homeadv)
ab <- ab1[-c(1,2,8),]
aa <- aa1[-c(1,2,8),]
hb <- hb1[-c(1,2,8),]
ha <- ha1[-c(1,2,8),]
ab[,c(3:21)] <- sapply(ab[,c(3:21)], as.numeric)
aa[,c(3:16)] <- sapply(aa[,c(3:16)], as.numeric)
hb[,c(3:21)] <- sapply(hb[,c(3:21)], as.numeric)
ha[,c(3:16)] <- sapply(ha[,c(3:16)], as.numeric)
aa <- cbind(aa, abbr[1,], abbr[2,])
ab <- cbind(ab, abbr[1,], abbr[2,])
hb <- cbind(hb, abbr[2,], abbr[1,])
ha <- cbind(ha, abbr[2,], abbr[1,])
aa <- cbind(aa, rec[1,])
ab <- cbind(ab, rec[1,])
hb <- cbind(hb, rec[2,])
ha <- cbind(ha, rec[2,])
aa <- cbind(aa, date)
ab <- cbind(ab, date)
hb <- cbind(hb, date)
ha <- cbind(ha, date)
names(aa)[17:20]<-c("TEAM", "OPP", "RCRD", "DT")
names(ab)[22:25]<-c("TEAM", "OPP", "RCRD", "DT")
names(hb)[22:25]<-c("TEAM", "OPP", "RCRD", "DT")
names(ha)[17:20]<-c("TEAM", "OPP", "RCRD", "DT")
aa <- aa %>% separate("MP", c("min","sec"), sep = ":") %>% separate("RCRD", c("W","L"), sep= "-") %>% separate("DT", c("time", "day", "year"), sep = ",") %>% unite(DT, c("day", "year", "time"), sep = ",") %>% mutate(DT = mdy_hm(DT))
ab <- ab %>% separate("MP", c("min","sec"), sep = ":") %>% separate("RCRD", c("W","L"), sep= "-") %>% separate("DT", c("time", "day", "year"), sep = ",") %>% unite(DT, c("day", "year", "time"), sep = ",") %>% mutate(DT = mdy_hm(DT))
hb <- hb %>% separate("MP", c("min","sec"), sep = ":") %>% separate("RCRD", c("W","L"), sep= "-") %>% separate("DT", c("time", "day", "year"), sep = ",") %>% unite(DT, c("day", "year", "time"), sep = ",") %>% mutate(DT = mdy_hm(DT))
ha <- ha %>% separate("MP", c("min","sec"), sep = ":") %>% separate("RCRD", c("W","L"), sep= "-") %>% separate("DT", c("time", "day", "year"), sep = ",") %>% unite(DT, c("day", "year", "time"), sep = ",") %>% mutate(DT = mdy_hm(DT))
aa[,c(20:21)] <- sapply(aa[,c(20:21)], as.numeric)
ab[,c(25:26)] <- sapply(ab[,c(25:26)], as.numeric)
hb[,c(25:26)] <- sapply(hb[,c(25:26)], as.numeric)
ha[,c(20:21)] <- sapply(ha[,c(20:21)], as.numeric)
aa <- aa %>% mutate(GAME = W + L)
ab <- ab %>% mutate(GAME = W + L)
hb <- hb %>% mutate(GAME = W + L)
ha <- ha %>% mutate(GAME = W + L)
aac <- aa[,-c(1:3)]
hac <- ha[,-c(1:3)]
am <- cbind(ab[,-c(23:28)],aac)
hm <- cbind(hb[,-c(23:28)],hac)
am <- am %>% mutate(LOCAL = "away")
hm <- hm %>% mutate(LOCAL = "home")
final <- rbind(am,hm)
write.xlsx(final, "Book1.xlsx", sheetName= "Sheet1", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE, showNA= TRUE)
x <- c("https://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/201410280LAL.html", "https://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/201811140BRK.html")
lapply(x, urlpull)
I just want the final table from the output to be placed on the first row after the last table was placed there.
To get around this problem I kept the for loop and had the function row bind all the dataframes into one, before exporting it out. I did this by initiating a empty dataframe outside the for loop like this:
oldtable <- data.frame()
for (i in x) {
#Generic lines of code
final #table from one iteration of loop
oldtable <- rbind.data.frame(oldtable, final)
Using the rbind.data.frame function from base R got the results that I previously wanted.