I am writing an experiment in Matlab Psychtoolbox and my conditions are stored in an array like this
Cond = ["VM" "VM" "VN" "VS" "AM" "AM" "AN" "AS" "CM" "CM" "CN" "CS"...
"VM" "VM" "VN" "VS" "AM" "AM" "AN" "AS" "CM" "CM" "CN" "CS"];
I now want to shuffle the array in a way that I don't have repeating conditions.
There are a lot of treats regarding this problem e.g.this one, but they always have every condition equally often.
Some suggested a brute force method, shuffling so often until this criteria is reached. But since I have tree of this condition arrays and I have to shuffle them several times per experimental run I don't think that is a good solution.
Hope someone can help
I devised an algorithm that should do what you're asking for. Given a sequence, it will randomly reorder it such that no value repeats. However, it does appear to have a tendency to create repeated sub-sequences (e.g. ..."A" "B" "C" "A" "B" "C"...
). I wrapped it in a function reorder_no_reps
function seq = reorder_no_reps(seq)
% Find unique values and counts:
N = numel(seq);
[vals, ~, index] = unique(seq(:), 'stable');
counts = accumarray(index, 1);
[maxCount, maxIndex] = max(counts);
% Check the maximum number of occurrences:
if (2*maxCount-1 > N)
error('Can''t produce sequence without repeats!');
% Fill cell array column-wise with permuted and replicated set of values:
C = cell(maxCount, ceil(N/maxCount));
if (3*maxCount-1 > N)
permIndex = [maxIndex(1) ...
setdiff(randperm(numel(vals)), maxIndex(1), 'stable')];
permIndex = randperm(numel(vals));
C(1:N) = num2cell(repelem(vals(permIndex), counts(permIndex)));
% Transpose cell array and extract non-empty entries:
C = C.';
seq = reshape([C{~cellfun('isempty', C)}], size(seq));
A description of the steps for the algorithm:
) and how many times they each appear (counts
) and check if it is too large to make a sequence without repreats.