Is there a way, how to create new object in redux selector and return it? I was searching around the net, but found no answer.
something like this:
export interface UserModel {
user: string,
job: string,
contact: string,
sex: string //not saved in store model
export const mySelector= createSelector(
state => {
} as Partial<UserModel> //casting not possible
store$.select(Selectors.mySelector).subscribe(partialUser => { //partialUser is void
cons sex = 'M';
const user = {...partialUser,} as UserModel //spread operator possible only for objects
If there is no such option in selectors, how to create objects from state properties and subscribe to them? My store state model is created from BE DTOs, so I dont need to do the mapping, when getting data from BE, but for FE UI models, I need to create objects derived from interfaces from store state, and I want to aviod manual typing and mapping. (the name of the properties in store state object match with the interfaces). Maybe it is possible with keyof and Partial.
You have made errors in your attempts:
export const mySelector= createSelector(
state => ({
user: state.user,
job: state.job,
} as Partial<UserModel>)
field to partialUser
store$.select(Selectors.mySelector).subscribe(partialUser => {
//partialUser is void
cons sex = 'M';
const user = { ...partialUser, sex } as UserModel;