java.lang.IllegalStateException: Exiting the application
since the Spring Cloud Connector library has been detected
on the classpath.
Please remove this dependency from your project
and set the environment variable
in the Cloud Foundry manifest.
I tried to apply JBP_CONFIG_SPRING_AUTO_RECONFIGURATION '{enabled: false}'
to skipper server environment variable but I still gets the same exception.
As per the exception I need to remove `Spring cloud connector libraryv from classpath, but I have used to push skkiper server jar to pcf, so how can I remove this dependency(do I need to take skipper server code and manually remove the dependency ? If yes then what is the dependency I need to exclude in maven ?)
skipper version used : 2.1.0
Starting with v2.0, SCDF and Skipper switched to the Java-CFEnv project to autoconfigure datasource and other services automatically in CF.
In this foundation, specifically on CF, you'd have to explicitly override 2 extra properties, so that we can successfully negate the Java-Buildpack and its Auto-reconfiguration conflicts at runtime. And, those properties are:
They are both included in the sample manifest files in the SCDF for CF getting-started guide.
Also, if you are using SCDF for PCF tile, you don't have to configure all of these properties. They are automatically provisioned for you when you create a service-instance for SCDF in the Org/Space.