I am trying to make observer, that when I create my property/ad in form I dump some string and info, but instead I just get success message that property/ad is created with no dump and info. Also it inserts that in database. I am just following regular documentation from Laravel. Any help is appreciated. Here is my code.
namespace App\Observers;
use App\Property;
class PropertyObserver
public function created(Property $property)
dd('Propertyyyyyyyyyy!!!', $property);
public function updated(Property $property)
public function deleted(Property $property)
namespace App\Providers;
use App\Property;
use App\Observers\PropertyObserver;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register any application services.
* @return void
public function register()
base_path().'/config/permissions.php' => config_path('permissions.php'),
base_path().'/config/roles.php' => config_path('roles.php'),
* Bootstrap any application services.
* @return void
public function boot()
base_path().'/config/permissions.php', 'permissions'
base_path().'/config/roles.php', 'roles'
public function store(StorePropertyInfo $request, Property $property, Video $video)
$categories = DB::table('categories')
$main_video_id = $video->where('filename_video', $request->main_video)
$main_photo_id = Photo::where('filename', $request->main_photo)
$property_id = $property->insertGetId([
'title' => $request->title,
'description' => $request->description,
'email' => $request->email,
'number' => $request->number,
'city' => $request->city,
'street' => $request->adresa,
'price' => $request->cena,
'quadrature' => $request->kvadratura,
'main_photo_id' => $main_photo_id,
'main_video_id' => $main_video_id,
'active' => 'Q',
'page_views' => '0',
'user_id' => Auth::user()->id,
'expires_on' => Carbon::now()->addDays(30),
'created_at' => Carbon::now(),
'updated_at' => Carbon::now()
$image_arr = array_filter(explode(',', $request->image), 'strlen');
$photoExtensions = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'];
$videoExtensions = ['mp4', '3gp', 'wmv', 'flv', 'avi'];
foreach ($image_arr as $key => $value) {
$file = explode('.', $value);
$ext = end($file);
if (in_array($ext, $photoExtensions)) {
DB::table('photos')->where('filename', $value)
'model_type' => 'App\Property',
'model_id' => $property_id,
'original_src' => "property/$property_id/gallery",
'primary' => '0',
'updated_at' => Carbon::now()
if (in_array($ext, $videoExtensions)) {
DB::table('videos')->where('filename_video', $value)
'model_type' => 'App\Property',
'model_id' => $property_id,
'original_src' => "property/$property_id/gallery",
'primary' => '0',
'updated_at' => Carbon::now()
return redirect()
->with('message', 'Property created successfully');
Laravel observers only watch for Eloquent events such as Model::create();
So the event is not dispatched because you're using the DB facade to insert values directly and not using the Eloquent ORM
So change your code to use Eloquent instead
$property_id = $property->create([
'title' => $request->title,
'description' => $request->description,
'email' => $request->email,
'number' => $request->number,
'city' => $request->city,
'street' => $request->adresa,
'price' => $request->cena,
'quadrature' => $request->kvadratura,
'main_photo_id' => $main_photo_id,
'main_video_id' => $main_video_id,
'active' => 'Q',
'page_views' => '0',
'user_id' => Auth::user()->id,
'expires_on' => Carbon::now()->addDays(30),
'created_at' => Carbon::now(),
'updated_at' => Carbon::now()
Don't forget to make the properties fillable in your model
or just in your App\Property
protected $guarded = []; // yolo