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SQLDeveloper Spool to user profile

I'm building a powershell script that will execute a SQL query and spool result to a csv. This file is afterwards read and other actions will be made. I would like to spool in the User Profile directory of the user who runs the script.

Now i''ve hardcoded my directory and works fine.

spool C:\users\<username>\documents\cutoff.csv REP

but i'm not sure I've rights to save a file in any other directory on the HD.

I thought that would be something like this

spool %userprofiledirectory%\cutoff.csv

like in windows powershell there is the command



  • If you're using SQLcl or SQL Developer, then just use the CD command to set your current working directory - this will be used for both looking for files to open/read/execute as well as where to write new files.

    You can of course also use a fully qualified file with directory path on the SPOOL command.

    SQLcl: Release 19.2.1 Production on Thu Aug 15 09:07:50 2019
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Last Successful login time: Thu Aug 15 2019 09:07:55 -04:00
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    SQL> help cd
     Changes path to look for script at after startup. 
    (show SQLPATH shows the full search path currently: 
    - CD current directory setting set by last cd command 
    - baseURL (url for subscripts) 
    - topURL (top most url when starting script) 
    - Last Node opened (i.e. file in worksheet) 
    - Where last script started 
    - Last opened on sqlcl path related file chooser 
    - SQLPATH setting 
    - "." if in SQLDeveloper UI (included in SQLPATH in command line (sdsql))